Contemporary Furniture, Interior Design and Brain Surgery
Released on = December 14, 2005, 8:48 pm
Press Release Author = Lexington Furniture And Design
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = How a 56 year old Interior Designer and mother of 5 from Foxboro, had emergency brain surgery in October, began driving again in November, and is back to work full time in December.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/14/2005
Contemporary Furniture, Interior Design and Brain Surgery
How a 56 year old Interior Designer and mother of 5 from Foxboro, had emergency brain surgery in October, began driving again in November, and went back to work full time in December.
Foxboro, MA - 12/14/2005
\"You always think that the \'unthinkable\' things happen to everyone else\" says Raye Senecal when asked about her recent brush with mortality, \"but when I was being wheeled into the operating room and saying goodbye to my husband and kids, I knew it was my turn now\".
Raye was at home on the phone with her girlfriend when the pain came like a freight train into her forehead. A trip to the local emergency room, and a CT scan revealed the bad news.
\"You have a broken blood vessel in your brain, we need to get you to Boston - fast\"
The short version of this story has a happy ending, thanks to whom Raye and Bill describe as \"more healers; than mere doctors and nurses\" at Brigham And Women\'s Hospital in Boston, and they\'re particularly grateful to Neurosurgeon Dr. Dong Kim for his knowledge and skill.
Now back at work Raye is anxious for a challenging design job to get her creative juices flowing full tilt again. She recently put together a free consumer report for subscribers to her newsletter: \"Five Little Know Facts that The Other Furniture Stores Don\'t Want You To Know\", and it\'s available at her personal website:
\"Our Natick showroom is simply \'glowing\' with new items; it\'s so exciting to be back\" says Raye as the Friday snowstorm-turned-blizzard howls at the plate glass storefront \"I\'m just very happy to be alive\".
1. \"What would you tell someone who is scheduled for brain surgery at Brigham And Women\'s Hospital?\"
2. \"How is your approach to life in general different since your surgery?\"
3. \"Why do you believe folks shopping for contemporary furniture get more value at a small family owned store versus a franchise or chain store?\"
4. \"In what way can folks actually save money overall by signing up for your Design Service at $500.00?\"
\"We have folks come in with no idea what to do with a new home, or even just a room. You can see the frustration in their faces, they\'ve been to 7 furniture showrooms, and are more confused than when they started\" explained Raye, \"but when you see them walk out after coming in to look at the design we\'ve created for them; they are all smiles and quite pleased with themselves\".
Raye Senecal is a professional Interior Designer and contemporary furniture expert at Lexington Furniture And Design
Contact Raye Senecal for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (508) 801-0594 Email: Other helpful information regarding her professional services can be found at her personal website:
For More Information Contact:
Raye Senecal
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Contact Details = Raye Senecal
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